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<changelog bulletedList="true">
<changelogversion versionName="v0.9.0" changeDate="">
<changelogtext>This is a huge release! Please see [a href="https://github.com/inorichi/tachiyomi/releases/tag/v0.9.0"]the changelog on GitHub[/a].</changelogtext>
<changelogversion versionName="v0.8.5" changeDate="">
<changelogtext>[b]Future releases will only support Android 5+[/b]</changelogtext>
<changelogtext>New: open in browser/webview from catalogue</changelogtext>
<changelogtext>New: reader color filter blend modes</changelogtext>
<changelogtext>New: link to help website in sidebar</changelogtext>
<changelogtext>New: long press bookmark icon in manga info to change categories</changelogtext>
<changelogtext>New: update prioritization setting</changelogtext>
<changelogtext>New: Bangumi tracker</changelogtext>
<changelogtext>New: extension search</changelogtext>
<changelogtext>New: see changelog by pressing Settings > About > Build time</changelogtext>
<changelogtext>Enhancement: ignore case when sorting library</changelogtext>
<changelogtext>Enhancement: available extensions grouped by languages</changelogtext>
<changelogtext>Enhancement: webview navigation</changelogtext>
<changelogtext>Enhancement: improved loading speed when skipping pages in a chapter</changelogtext>
<changelogtext>Fix: Cloudflare issues</changelogtext>
<changelogtext>Fix: sharing issues when filename is long</changelogtext>
<changelogtext>Fix: handle errors during global search</changelogtext>
<changelogtext>Fix: looping GIFs now loop</changelogtext>
<changelogtext>Fix: .nomedia files generated to avoid pages appearing in gallery apps</changelogtext>
<changelogtext>Fix: download queue won't autostart if it was previously paused</changelogtext>
<changelogtext>Fix: remove DOWNLOADED text after marking chapter as read (if setting is enabled)</changelogtext>
<changelogtext>Fix: backup dialog showing "null" when saving to cloud storage</changelogtext>
<changelogtext>Fix: MAL and Shikimori tracker issues</changelogtext>
<changelogversion versionName="v0.8.4" changeDate="">
<changelogtext>All the internal sources have been removed. They now need to be
installed as an extension.</changelogtext>
<changelogtext>Cloudflare is now resolved with a WebView in background which should put
an end to the recent updates to adapt to their changes.</changelogtext>
<changelogtext>Added an option to open manga details in a WebView. This
should also help when receiving a captcha confirmation page (usually 403 errors).
It can also be used to login with the website, as the app now shares cookies.</changelogtext>
<changelogtext>Added a deep link handler that extensions can use to perform
a search within the app.</changelogtext>
<changelogtext>Added an option to decode images in ARGB8888 format for
devices running Oreo or later.</changelogtext>
<changelogtext>Added Shikimori tracker.</changelogtext>
<changelogtext>Updated translations.</changelogtext>
<changelogversion versionName="v0.8.2" changeDate="">
<changelogtext>Updated Cloudflare.</changelogtext>
<changelogtext>Fixed crashes with some translations.</changelogtext>
<changelogversion versionName="v0.8.1" changeDate="">
<changelogtext>Fixed latest Cloudflare changes.</changelogtext>
<changelogtext>Bundled SQLite for better performance and new features.</changelogtext>
<changelogtext>Restored dark blue theme.</changelogtext>
<changelogtext>Added a MAL API workaround.</changelogtext>
<changelogtext>Fixed search issues on Kitsu and AniList.</changelogtext>
<changelogtext>Fixed an issue where the image was centered when using the vertical reader.</changelogtext>
<changelogtext>Updated translations.</changelogtext>
<changelogversion versionName="v0.8.0" changeDate="">
<changelogtext>Added a new reader with many fixes.</changelogtext>
<changelogtext>Added GIF support.</changelogtext>
<changelogtext>Fixed loading errors with local compressed files.</changelogtext>
<changelogtext>Fixed an issue where images couldn't be shared.</changelogtext>
<changelogtext>Removed image decoders setting because it's not needed anymore.</changelogtext>
<changelogtext>Updated translations.</changelogtext>
<changelogtext>Show all entries in library even if their extensions are not installed</changelogtext>
<changelogtext>Fixed search issues on Kitsu and AniList.</changelogtext>
<changelogtext>Other minor bugfixes.</changelogtext>
<changelogversion versionName="v0.7.4" changeDate="">
<changelogtext>Updated Anilist's API to v2.</changelogtext>
<changelogtext>Added Github link to about.</changelogtext>
<changelogtext>Fixed indonesian language not working.</changelogtext>
<changelogtext>Fixed an issue on KitKat that crashed the app when scheduling updates.</changelogtext>
<changelogtext>Fixed a few more issues introduced on the previous release.</changelogtext>
<changelogversion versionName="v0.7.3" changeDate="">
<changelogtext>Fixed the tracking search layout when there are many results.</changelogtext>
<changelogtext>Separate english language into american and british so that dates are formatted according to that locale.</changelogtext>
<changelogtext>Added Firebase analytics, for Android API distribution.</changelogtext>
<changelogtext>Crop borders for webtoons now has a separate setting.</changelogtext>
<changelogtext>The downloader now runs in a foreground service to prevent it from being killed.</changelogtext>
<changelogtext>Fixed a few weird crashes.</changelogtext>
<changelogversion versionName="v0.7.2" changeDate="">
<changelogtext>Fixed missing downloaded label in chapters screen.</changelogtext>
<changelogtext>Fixed updater in KitKat and lower due to TLS.</changelogtext>
<changelogversion versionName="v0.7.1" changeDate="">
<changelogtext>Updated Cloudflare bypass.</changelogtext>
<changelogtext>Enabled TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2 on Android KitKat and lower.</changelogtext>
<changelogtext>Minor UI changes.</changelogtext>
<changelogversion versionName="v0.7.0" changeDate="">
<changelogtext>Added extensions support. You can now install and update extensions within the app.
If you installed any extension previously through F-Droid, you'll have to uninstall them first.</changelogtext>
<changelogtext>Added a custom download option to download N chapters.</changelogtext>
<changelogtext>Updated manga info layout, with clickable components to copy to clipboard or perform a global search.</changelogtext>
<changelogtext>Added an option to change the animation speed of a double tap in the reader.</changelogtext>
<changelogtext>Improved tracking results UI with covers.</changelogtext>
<changelogtext>Dropped support for simultaneous downloads.</changelogtext>
<changelogtext>Batoto is now a legacy source, you can only use it to migrate.</changelogtext>
<changelogtext>Updated dark theme and reader theme.</changelogtext>
<changelogtext>Bugfixes and minor UI/UX improvements.</changelogtext>