package com.opensource.svgaplayer import android.content.Context import import android.os.Handler import android.os.Looper import com.opensource.svgaplayer.proto.MovieEntity import com.opensource.svgaplayer.utils.log.LogUtils import org.json.JSONObject import* import import import java.util.concurrent.Executors import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger import import /** * Created by PonyCui 16/6/18. */ private var fileLock: Int = 0 private var isUnzipping = false class SVGAParser(context: Context?) { private var mContext = context?.applicationContext init { SVGACache.onCreate(context) } @Volatile private var mFrameWidth: Int = 0 @Volatile private var mFrameHeight: Int = 0 interface ParseCompletion { fun onComplete(videoItem: SVGAVideoEntity) fun onError() } interface PlayCallback{ fun onPlay(file: List) } open class FileDownloader { var noCache = false open fun resume(url: URL, complete: (inputStream: InputStream) -> Unit, failure: (e: Exception) -> Unit): () -> Unit { var cancelled = false val cancelBlock = { cancelled = true } threadPoolExecutor.execute { try {, "================ svga file download start ================") if (HttpResponseCache.getInstalled() == null && !noCache) { LogUtils.error(TAG, "SVGAParser can not handle cache before install HttpResponseCache. see") LogUtils.error(TAG, "在配置 HttpResponseCache 前 SVGAParser 无法缓存. 查看 ") } (url.openConnection() as? HttpURLConnection)?.let { it.connectTimeout = 20 * 1000 it.requestMethod = "GET" it.setRequestProperty("Connection", "close") it.connect() it.inputStream.use { inputStream -> ByteArrayOutputStream().use { outputStream -> val buffer = ByteArray(4096) var count: Int while (true) { if (cancelled) { LogUtils.warn(TAG, "================ svga file download canceled ================") break } count =, 0, 4096) if (count == -1) { break } outputStream.write(buffer, 0, count) } if (cancelled) { LogUtils.warn(TAG, "================ svga file download canceled ================") return@execute } ByteArrayInputStream(outputStream.toByteArray()).use {, "================ svga file download complete ================") complete(it) } } } } } catch (e: Exception) { LogUtils.error(TAG, "================ svga file download fail ================") LogUtils.error(TAG, "error: ${e.message}") e.printStackTrace() failure(e) } } return cancelBlock } } var fileDownloader = FileDownloader() companion object { private const val TAG = "SVGAParser" private val threadNum = AtomicInteger(0) private var mShareParser = SVGAParser(null) internal var threadPoolExecutor = Executors.newCachedThreadPool { r -> Thread(r, "SVGAParser-Thread-${threadNum.getAndIncrement()}") } fun setThreadPoolExecutor(executor: ThreadPoolExecutor) { threadPoolExecutor = executor } fun shareParser(): SVGAParser { return mShareParser } } fun init(context: Context) { mContext = context.applicationContext SVGACache.onCreate(mContext) } fun setFrameSize(frameWidth: Int, frameHeight: Int) { mFrameWidth = frameWidth mFrameHeight = frameHeight } fun decodeFromAssets( name: String, callback: ParseCompletion?, playCallback: PlayCallback? = null ) { if (mContext == null) { LogUtils.error(TAG, "在配置 SVGAParser context 前, 无法解析 SVGA 文件。") return }, "================ decode $name from assets ================") threadPoolExecutor.execute { try { mContext?.assets?.open(name)?.let { this.decodeFromInputStream( it, SVGACache.buildCacheKey("file:///assets/$name"), callback, true, playCallback, alias = name ) } } catch (e: Exception) { this.invokeErrorCallback(e, callback, name) } } } fun decodeFromURL( url: URL, callback: ParseCompletion?, playCallback: PlayCallback? = null ): (() -> Unit)? { if (mContext == null) { LogUtils.error(TAG, "在配置 SVGAParser context 前, 无法解析 SVGA 文件。") return null } val urlPath = url.toString(), "================ decode from url: $urlPath ================") val cacheKey = SVGACache.buildCacheKey(url); return if (SVGACache.isCached(cacheKey)) {, "this url cached") threadPoolExecutor.execute { if (SVGACache.isDefaultCache()) { this.decodeFromCacheKey(cacheKey, callback, alias = urlPath) } else { this.decodeFromSVGAFileCacheKey(cacheKey, callback, playCallback, alias = urlPath) } } return null } else {, "no cached, prepare to download") fileDownloader.resume(url, { this.decodeFromInputStream( it, cacheKey, callback, false, playCallback, alias = urlPath ) }, { LogUtils.error( TAG, "================ svga file: $url download fail ================" ) this.invokeErrorCallback(it, callback, alias = urlPath) }) } } /** * 读取解析本地缓存的 svga 文件. */ fun decodeFromSVGAFileCacheKey( cacheKey: String, callback: ParseCompletion?, playCallback: PlayCallback?, alias: String? = null ) { threadPoolExecutor.execute { try {, "================ decode $alias from svga cachel file to entity ================") FileInputStream(SVGACache.buildSvgaFile(cacheKey)).use { inputStream -> readAsBytes(inputStream)?.let { bytes -> if (isZipFile(bytes)) { this.decodeFromCacheKey(cacheKey, callback, alias) } else {, "inflate start") inflate(bytes)?.let {, "inflate complete") val videoItem = SVGAVideoEntity( MovieEntity.ADAPTER.decode(it), File(cacheKey), mFrameWidth, mFrameHeight ), "SVGAVideoEntity prepare start") videoItem.prepare({, "SVGAVideoEntity prepare success") this.invokeCompleteCallback(videoItem, callback, alias) },playCallback) } ?: this.invokeErrorCallback( Exception("inflate(bytes) cause exception"), callback, alias ) } } ?: this.invokeErrorCallback( Exception("readAsBytes(inputStream) cause exception"), callback, alias ) } } catch (e: java.lang.Exception) { this.invokeErrorCallback(e, callback, alias) } finally {, "================ decode $alias from svga cachel file to entity end ================") } } } fun decodeFromInputStream( inputStream: InputStream, cacheKey: String, callback: ParseCompletion?, closeInputStream: Boolean = false, playCallback: PlayCallback? = null, alias: String? = null ) { if (mContext == null) { LogUtils.error(TAG, "在配置 SVGAParser context 前, 无法解析 SVGA 文件。") return }, "================ decode $alias from input stream ================") threadPoolExecutor.execute { try { readAsBytes(inputStream)?.let { bytes -> if (isZipFile(bytes)) {, "decode from zip file") if (!SVGACache.buildCacheDir(cacheKey).exists() || isUnzipping) { synchronized(fileLock) { if (!SVGACache.buildCacheDir(cacheKey).exists()) { isUnzipping = true, "no cached, prepare to unzip") ByteArrayInputStream(bytes).use { unzip(it, cacheKey) isUnzipping = false, "unzip success") } } } } this.decodeFromCacheKey(cacheKey, callback, alias) } else { if (!SVGACache.isDefaultCache()) { // 如果 SVGACache 设置类型为 FILE threadPoolExecutor.execute { SVGACache.buildSvgaFile(cacheKey).let { cacheFile -> try { cacheFile.takeIf { !it.exists() }?.createNewFile() FileOutputStream(cacheFile).write(bytes) } catch (e: Exception) { LogUtils.error(TAG, "create cache file fail.", e) cacheFile.delete() } } } }, "inflate start") inflate(bytes)?.let {, "inflate complete") val videoItem = SVGAVideoEntity( MovieEntity.ADAPTER.decode(it), File(cacheKey), mFrameWidth, mFrameHeight ), "SVGAVideoEntity prepare start") videoItem.prepare({, "SVGAVideoEntity prepare success") this.invokeCompleteCallback(videoItem, callback, alias) },playCallback) } ?: this.invokeErrorCallback( Exception("inflate(bytes) cause exception"), callback, alias ) } } ?: this.invokeErrorCallback( Exception("readAsBytes(inputStream) cause exception"), callback, alias ) } catch (e: java.lang.Exception) { this.invokeErrorCallback(e, callback, alias) } finally { if (closeInputStream) { inputStream.close() }, "================ decode $alias from input stream end ================") } } } /** * @deprecated from 2.4.0 */ @Deprecated("This method has been deprecated from 2.4.0.", ReplaceWith("this.decodeFromAssets(assetsName, callback)")) fun parse(assetsName: String, callback: ParseCompletion?) { this.decodeFromAssets(assetsName, callback,null) } /** * @deprecated from 2.4.0 */ @Deprecated("This method has been deprecated from 2.4.0.", ReplaceWith("this.decodeFromURL(url, callback)")) fun parse(url: URL, callback: ParseCompletion?) { this.decodeFromURL(url, callback,null) } /** * @deprecated from 2.4.0 */ @Deprecated("This method has been deprecated from 2.4.0.", ReplaceWith("this.decodeFromInputStream(inputStream, cacheKey, callback, closeInputStream)")) fun parse( inputStream: InputStream, cacheKey: String, callback: ParseCompletion?, closeInputStream: Boolean = false ) { this.decodeFromInputStream(inputStream, cacheKey, callback, closeInputStream,null) } private fun invokeCompleteCallback( videoItem: SVGAVideoEntity, callback: ParseCompletion?, alias: String? ) { Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()).post {, "================ $alias parser complete ================") callback?.onComplete(videoItem) } } private fun invokeErrorCallback( e: Exception, callback: ParseCompletion?, alias: String? ) { e.printStackTrace() LogUtils.error(TAG, "================ $alias parser error ================") LogUtils.error(TAG, "$alias parse error", e) Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()).post { callback?.onError() } } private fun decodeFromCacheKey( cacheKey: String, callback: ParseCompletion?, alias: String? ) {, "================ decode $alias from cache ================") LogUtils.debug(TAG, "decodeFromCacheKey called with cacheKey : $cacheKey") if (mContext == null) { LogUtils.error(TAG, "在配置 SVGAParser context 前, 无法解析 SVGA 文件。") return } try { val cacheDir = SVGACache.buildCacheDir(cacheKey) File(cacheDir, "movie.binary").takeIf { it.isFile }?.let { binaryFile -> try {, "binary change to entity") FileInputStream(binaryFile).use {, "binary change to entity success") this.invokeCompleteCallback( SVGAVideoEntity( MovieEntity.ADAPTER.decode(it), cacheDir, mFrameWidth, mFrameHeight ), callback, alias ) } } catch (e: Exception) { LogUtils.error(TAG, "binary change to entity fail", e) cacheDir.delete() binaryFile.delete() throw e } } File(cacheDir, "movie.spec").takeIf { it.isFile }?.let { jsonFile -> try {, "spec change to entity") FileInputStream(jsonFile).use { fileInputStream -> ByteArrayOutputStream().use { byteArrayOutputStream -> val buffer = ByteArray(2048) while (true) { val size =, 0, buffer.size) if (size == -1) { break } byteArrayOutputStream.write(buffer, 0, size) } byteArrayOutputStream.toString().let { JSONObject(it).let {, "spec change to entity success") this.invokeCompleteCallback( SVGAVideoEntity( it, cacheDir, mFrameWidth, mFrameHeight ), callback, alias ) } } } } } catch (e: Exception) { LogUtils.error(TAG, "$alias movie.spec change to entity fail", e) cacheDir.delete() jsonFile.delete() throw e } } } catch (e: Exception) { this.invokeErrorCallback(e, callback, alias) } } private fun readAsBytes(inputStream: InputStream): ByteArray? { ByteArrayOutputStream().use { byteArrayOutputStream -> val byteArray = ByteArray(2048) while (true) { val count =, 0, 2048) if (count <= 0) { break } else { byteArrayOutputStream.write(byteArray, 0, count) } } return byteArrayOutputStream.toByteArray() } } private fun inflate(byteArray: ByteArray): ByteArray? { val inflater = Inflater() inflater.setInput(byteArray, 0, byteArray.size) val inflatedBytes = ByteArray(2048) ByteArrayOutputStream().use { inflatedOutputStream -> while (true) { val count = inflater.inflate(inflatedBytes, 0, 2048) if (count <= 0) { break } else { inflatedOutputStream.write(inflatedBytes, 0, count) } } inflater.end() return inflatedOutputStream.toByteArray() } } // 是否是 zip 文件 private fun isZipFile(bytes: ByteArray): Boolean { return bytes.size > 4 && bytes[0].toInt() == 80 && bytes[1].toInt() == 75 && bytes[2].toInt() == 3 && bytes[3].toInt() == 4 } // 解压 private fun unzip(inputStream: InputStream, cacheKey: String) {, "================ unzip prepare ================") val cacheDir = SVGACache.buildCacheDir(cacheKey) cacheDir.mkdirs() try { BufferedInputStream(inputStream).use { ZipInputStream(it).use { zipInputStream -> while (true) { val zipItem = zipInputStream.nextEntry ?: break if ("../")) { // 解压路径存在路径穿越问题,直接过滤 continue } if ("/")) { continue } val file = File(cacheDir, ensureUnzipSafety(file, cacheDir.absolutePath) FileOutputStream(file).use { fileOutputStream -> val buff = ByteArray(2048) while (true) { val readBytes = if (readBytes <= 0) { break } fileOutputStream.write(buff, 0, readBytes) } } LogUtils.error(TAG, "================ unzip complete ================") zipInputStream.closeEntry() } } } } catch (e: Exception) { LogUtils.error(TAG, "================ unzip error ================") LogUtils.error(TAG, "error", e) SVGACache.clearDir(cacheDir.absolutePath) cacheDir.delete() throw e } } // 检查 zip 路径穿透 private fun ensureUnzipSafety(outputFile: File, dstDirPath: String) { val dstDirCanonicalPath = File(dstDirPath).canonicalPath val outputFileCanonicalPath = outputFile.canonicalPath if (!outputFileCanonicalPath.startsWith(dstDirCanonicalPath)) { throw IOException("Found Zip Path Traversal Vulnerability with $dstDirCanonicalPath") } } }