Pull down to refresh Loading... Loading Release to refresh Refresh finish refresh failed M-d HH:mm Pull up to load more Release load now Loading Loading... Load complete Failed to load Are you sure to use the data? Edit Profile Are you sure to use the data? Confirm The nickname is duplicated, please re-enter it. This invitation code does not exist, please re-enter it. Nickname is illegal No more data Pull black Relieving blackout Modify remarks Report Sign in immediately Continuously signed in day Withdrawals account You have not set up a withdrawal account yet Add withdrawal account Account type Please enter the cardholder\'s name Please enter the bank card account number Please enter bank name Please enter wechat account Please enter Alipay account number. Please enter the name of Alipay account. Alipay WeChat Bank card Do you want to delete this account? Withdrawals record Give Recharge success Wechat is not installed Replication success Edit Photo Name ModifyName Modify remarks Please enter comments~ Note: New remarks are visible only to the creator and effective only within the message center. Signature Bio Binding phone TASK1 TASK2 TASK3 Give a\nfree gift Incomplete Complete Follow\nanchor light UP\nRoom completing mission ApplyMic Cancel Mic Close Mic Quit Mic Birthday Gender Location Set the picture successfully Leave something~ Please enter a nickname~ Up to 20 words can be input Up to 8 words can be input Please enter a nickname Please enter signature Please select the correct date Follow VIP Rosy Skin Smooth BigEyes SlimFace ThinFace Chin Nose Lips copy Today\'s Live WishList Make a wish, the audience to help you achieve Generate Add gifts and quantities Wishes set on the same day will expire at 24:00 on the same day BrightEye Teeth Light Cute Goddess Glamour Magnificent White White JP B&W Soft Warmth Retro Flower Easy Vitality Bright Deep Sunset Cure Filter Preset Beauty The anchor sends a flying kiss to you It\'s a great opportunity, reply now! A bunch of rose Roses Bouquet Lollipop Free for a limited time Follow and reply Followed My concern My Black List TA\'s attention You haven\'t paid attention to anyone yet Pay attention to the people you are interested in TA hasn\'t paid attention to anyone yet Fans Opps… The anchor did not open the voice link Free My fans TA fans You don\'t have fans yet Improving personal information will make more people pay attention to you~ TA doesn\'t have any fans yet Forget password Retrieve immediately Immediate opening Open guard Renewal Guardian My Become the guardian of %s Open a guard for your favorite anchor Guardianship date is up to: %s GET Only one can be given away~ Guard Contribution this week anchor are waiting at your guard! Turn on the guard for your favorite anchor! You are the current anchor\'s monthly guard \ n the guard date expires You are the current anchor\'s annual guardian \ n the guardian date expires Special gift for annual guard You haven\'t guarded You are the monthly guardian of the current anchor\nUnable to enable weekly guard You are the monthly guard of the current anchor. Opening the annual guard will cover your monthly guard time. Do you want to open it? Week Guardian Month Guardian Year Guardian Pack Guardian list Homepage news Message Ignore unread picture System message No system message yet Private chat Anchor impression Add impression Add up to three impressions Please select impression Unmodified impression Please choose your impression of the host The impression you received from the anchor You haven\'t received the impression of the anchor yet Cancel photo Deselected Cancel clipping Sign in for consent Service and privacy terms Other login methods Phone Number Password Logon Authorizing login Live Log in Hot Find Anchor Live broadcast Room type Share to Live cover Change cover Live broadcast title Write a title for the live broadcast channel Select live channel During the live broadcast, if the operator finds that the selected channel does not match the live content, he / she will adjust your live channel. Please set room password Please set the charge amount (the revenue is subject to the end of live broadcast) Please set room password Please set the charge amount Charge amount Selective charging Do you want to end the live broadcast? The anchor has approved your application, do you want to join now? Beauty Beans DO Coins A maximum of 10 entries can be set Flip Trickster MultiplayerPK Voice Link billboard LeaveTemporarily ResumeLive share SinglePK WishList Only the rear camera can turn on the flash Live broadcast ended Back to home page Duration of live broadcast Harvest Number of visitors Guan Zhong Let\'s have a chat~ Open the barrage, strip Please enter the room password Password error Broadcast failure Guard I light up. Into the studio sent UnlockVIP Pieces Give Continuous x Sending x Send out income City not set Gift contribution list Kick people Permanent ban This field ban Set as management Cancel management managers Close live broadcast Forbidden live broadcast Disable account Current administrator Kicked out of the room You\'ve been kicked out of the room Live content suspected of violation Rank data The anchorman will leave for a while. The highlights will not be interrupted. Don\'t go away The anchor is back! Thrust failure Camera open failed Microphone on failed View Online List DayRank WeekRank Viewers There is no anchor for the time being The host you\'re focusing on doesn\'t start Let\'s go and see the live broadcast of other hosts~ Go to other channels quickly~ You haven\'t had a live broadcast recently Let\'s go to the opening live experience TA hasn\'t had a live broadcast recently Please select a channel has followed the anchor Interaction Quit even wheat Allowed even wheat Ban Lian Mai Initiate a link request Quit even wheat The current anchor is temporarily unable to connect No response from the other party The anchor is busy The other anchor is busy The host rejected your request for wheat The host refused your request The opposite host rejected your PK request Opposite host exits Lianmai You have applied, please wait The host accepts your request to connect wheat The host accepts your request to connect wheat and begins to connect wheat Failed to push the stream of Lianmai, has exited Lianmai Link request sent~ PK request sent~ PK initiated by the other party You can\'t play background music when you\'re on Wheat You need to turn off the background music when connecting the wheat Live recording No title People watched the live broadcast You can\'t connect the wheat in the game state~ You can\'t play with Mai~ Please try again later Connecting wheat is currently in progress~ You are already in PK We Opponent The balance is insufficient. Do you want to recharge it? Current online anchor The other anchor is in the game Already invited Please enter the host nickname or ID you want to search No anchor at present Penalty time No video Let\'s release our own video Home My Income statement Contribution list Daily Week Honor Car No mount yet Medal No medal yet OwningGuild Maintenance notice Guard Live broadcast immediately Post Please fill in the invitation code Press again to exit Old password Please enter the old password New password Please fill in the new password Confirm password Confirm new password Confirm revision reset password Search songs No songs to download Invalid song download address Lyrics not found Music volume No music at all You haven\'t collected any music yet No such music Let\'s take a look at other types of music You have denied the permission to read and write files. Please modify it in the settings You have denied the permission to use the camera. Please modify it in the settings You have denied permission to use microphone. Please modify it in settings You have denied the permission to use the location. Please modify it in the settings You have denied the right to read mobile phone information. Please modify it in settings My income Receivable amount Please select a withdrawal account Enter the number of%1$s to withdraw Total%1$s number Number of%1$s withdrawable Enter the number of%1$s to extract Immediate withdrawals Please enter your mobile number Please enter the verification code Password Password Again Invite Code(Optional) Get Code Regain Passwords are inconsistent In registration Live room red envelope Send red envelopes to the audience in the current live studio Red envelopes Average red envelope Congratulations on making a fortune Hand out Please enter the amount Please enter quantity %1$s red packets in total rob An instant red envelope was distributed A delayed red packet was distributed rob View claim details Congratulations! Grab the%1$s red packet sent by%1$s %1$s red packets My%1$s has been saved Received%1$s of%2$s%3$s Not snatch After the countdown Red envelopes in the studio! Grab it Single amount Total sum skip Click to enter Recommended for you male female Logout Scavenging Cache cleared search Please enter the nickname or ID you want to search Version update Immediate use Not updated Say something~ Video download successful Video download failed No more videos Comment I can\'t give myself a compliment No comment for the moment. Grab the sofa Reply Expand more replies Retract WishList Video preprocessing Video preprocessing failed Video preprocessing cancel Abnormal status, Stop editing Choose music Search song name Popular songs My collection Filter Tailoring Special effects Capture the required audio clip Drag the sliders on both sides to select the clipping area Add video description~ Confirm release Video Publishing Video generation in progress Video generated successfully Failed to generate video Do you want to give up publishing this video Local video not found Local video Failed to generate video cover image In release Released successfully Publishing succeeded, please wait for approval Long press to add special effects Publishing failure You don\'t have a video yet Go to shoot and upload TA has no video works yet My video Choose a reason to report For more details, please describe in the description box (optional) Submission Please select the reason for reporting Report success It\'s at the top Exit video editing Add to accept whole Album cancel camera Picture selection/Preview Preview Determine Please enter content Choice Select file Can not pay attention to yourself Tips download delete End Popular Network request failed Please check the network connection and try again~ Loading No data nearby ten thousand News Report retry refuse Save Register No one is currently in the voice link Welcome to PDLive Newcomer Bonus EXP Complete newcomer tasks for more rewards ReceiveAwards One free gift privilege! release video individual Number Next step My studio My room Administrators Black users Banned users List of forbidden users Live room of Remove Blacklist of users No banned users No blacklisted users You are not an administrator yet Relieving blackout Happy mid Invitation code Congratulations%1$s get%2$SX%3$s times Lucky gift description Current prize pool level Current bonus pool amount Lv.%1$s Send barrage, need to reach level%1$s Speak, need to reach level%1$s Open positioning Resolutely shut down Close the location, the live broadcast will not be seen by nearby people, and the number of people in the live studio may be reduced. Are you sure to close it? Mars Shopping Mall wallet Personal information Please select payment method User recharge agreement Read and agree Please select the recharge amount Payment method not selected My%1$s Recharge Receive Version Confirm payment Payment method Immediate payment User level Anchor level The connection has been disconnected, please restart the broadcast Absolutely empty Chat Live Break Please, can you pay attention to me? Follow and exit Exit User If you don\'t take the initiative,how can we have a story?Tell the anchor say hi~ + follow Enter activity in gave \'s live studio has been opened \'s live studio has been renewed opened the renewed Enter the live broadcast room Beans Encourage the author of this dynamic article Confirm encouragement Rewards Records The author hasn\'t given encouragement yet T_T Click to see more Customer service Set up Every Day 13:00PM-24:00AM Withdraw Open VIP and enjoy exclusive privileges! Meet someone you like by chance~ There is no news yet~~ Add to blacklist Successfully joined the blacklist Failed to join blacklist Succeeded in removing the blacklist Remove blacklist Failed to remove blacklist Reply Reply to comments Click here to enter the reply For the time being, it is only open to the anchor 977019710454991 6e90a23e0679c8d21b0888d5fa755535 JDd7XEXr0kLcx0KkkJGUbD4MQ aq0eV4R1pqMK_AAeKRWnjPr7ErGMGgTPGgZJdm73WeRY-Kluws Complete the new person\'s pre task Unlock custom features Unlock the live room speech function Predecessors Sign in with Facebook Sign in with Google Request timed out, please try again later. Receive 1000 free beans Now mobile number Confirm to bind mobile number Modify mobile number After the mobile phone number is successfully bound, it will be automatically obtained x1000 After binding the mobile account, you can log in with the mobile account, It can also be used to retrieve passwords. Bind account Trickster initiator Trickery content Exempt from this trickery Consume Thanks for saving HEATING Heat & Time The popularity can increase the exposure to the anchor\'s room. The higher the live broadcast room, the more popular on the homepage, which will bring more users in the house and help the anchor to quickly increase the room heat in a period of time. Immediately after the delivery Effective. How to get the heat card? 1. The first user of Zhou Xingbang\'s anchor champion can automatically get it every week; 2. By participating in the official activities, the official news can be paid attention to. How to use the heat card? Go to the \"Personal Center\"-\"My Package\" to use the heat card. How long does the heat card take effect? After using the hot card for the designated anchor, it will take effect immediately. The effect time is 24 hours. Regardless of whether the anchor is online, the heat time will continue to decrease Rewards coming! Receive free Limited ride And limited avatar frame Looking for you like? Go contact your personal guide to get your prize redemption code! Contact a mentor now! Withdrawal succeeded normal barrage Float barrage Total speaker quote Available times: %s Note: Update times at 4:00 am on the 1st of each month Content cannot be empty Noble exclusive site-wide news Display messages on the whole station and jump to the current live room Open noble king, emperor, super emperor to get free back Proceed Use successfully Go to the live room search history you may also like anchor More Live More Fun Games Value-added benefits Fan Club Activity Basic tools Effect settings Font settings Shield gift effect Shield car effect You are in the current live room has recommended an anchor to you! has sent you a reward, come and get it! Pay attention to the channel that suits you. What do you say to everyone Settings No access to the mystery man\'s personal home page。 Mystery Man Notice Online Service Hot Ticket Register and log in Sign in PDlive Tell the world! %s recommends anchor %s to everyone! Tell the world! %s recommends the anchor %s to everyone, and the splendid glance is amazing! Failed to load data, please try again later open Not enough speakers order inquiries No exception to the order Login failed, please log in again onlookers The live broadcast studio was opened Baron Viscount Marquis Duke King Emperor Super king Please wait... The slide set Slide up and down to switch the broadcast room Search for people who want @ The online audience The audience can not \@ myself Total star The number of power %sStar challenge Congratulations %s, completed %s %s star challenge, go to meet the host face! star Join your favorite host fan club Small window play Settings Small window to play Minimize Play Continue to guard Join Fan club Daemon list You are the weekly guardian of the current anchor You are the monthly guardian of the current anchor You are the annual guardian of the current anchor Show when exiting the live room ALL Minimize Play Anchor is waiting for you to become the guardian of TA, \n escort for TA! Open a guard for your favorite anchor Show on other apps and pages \n Need to open the display Go to open Don\'t like the small window play?\n You can turn it off in [Personal Center] - [Settings] Go to Settings Got it Open noble, enjoy a lot of privileges! Personal Settings Rewards Change password Blacklist Message Settings Blocking gift effects Blocking seat effects If you want to Minimize Play,\nYou can go to set the license. In a batch Congratulations %s have won %s in the Lucky Angel! The next lucky angel will be you! Congratulations on %s winning %s in Luck 100 %%! Go pass on the good luck! guard %s receive To finish Already collected Image quality selection More Settings view more The gift is on the way... start pk Remaining count :%s Whether to confirm multiple PK (deduct 1 point after confirmation) remaining times on the day: %s Invite \n anchor End \nPK Time %s accept refuse Persist in refusing Random PK hint Automatic speech robot setup Robot switch Robot name setting The word limit is 2 to 8 word Automatic greeting setting Number of configured items Set automatic message sending Go to set Thank you for sending gifts, PK start, PK end automatic robot message, \n does not support customization. Add content At regular intervals, the robot automatically says the following sentence at random。 Fill in the content recommendation, such as: send wish list, add fan group, etc Automatic speech interval (minutes) At least once every 5 minutes When a user enters the studio, the robot will @the user and automatically The following sentence is random. Set a minimum of 1 to a maximum of 20. Robot setup High definition fluency Ultra hd After determining the definition of the broadcast, you need to restart the broadcast to change Confirmation of broadcast Settings clarity Live channel broadcast robot set Not set no yes Ultra HD hint In the case of unstable network speed, the selection of ultra HD may lead to the delay of the picture in the broadcast room. Do you confirm the selection? Stick to choice Network prompt The system detects that your network is unstable and insufficient device memory will affect the fluency of your live broadcast. Therefore, it is recommended that you choose fluency and clarity. check version Update Latest Version updating There is no choice, the anchor is not turned on FHD live. There is no choice, the anchor is not turned on HD live. Sorry, this feature is on hold. Phone Number Broadcast Click To View Anchor Task I have read and agreed to the Please read and agree to the PDLIVE Host Agreement PDLIVE Host Agreement The statute of limitations for new anchors expires coin gold Number of gifts Number of entry New attention Follow the conversion rate New fan group Fan group conversion rate loading… Gift and seat effects have been turned off and can be turned on manually in "Settings". i \'m sorry! An error occurred. Congratulations on getting it! You have accumulated sign-ups this month %s Heaven Sign in for 1 more day to get extra bonus. Go to the sign-in center Confirm pick up contact customer service Login means you agree use & Privacy Policy Terms and policies For details, please read the following message to install the application: Welcome to Yola. For your personal information and privacy, we will adopt the highest standards of treatment and protection. In order to provide users with better services, our products integrate [Alliance SDK], SDK needs to collect your device information (IMEI/MAC/Android ID/IDFA/OpenUDID/GUID/IP address /SIM card IMSI information, etc.), In order for you to better understand the types and purposes of the data collected by [Alliance SDK] and how to protect your personal information, you can log on to: https://www.umeng.com/page/policy Learn about [Alliance SDK] Privacy Policy [Alliance +] Privacy Policy [Alliance +], a third-party global big data service provider, providing customers with PC/APP/ offline statistics, advertising effect monitoring, message push/micro community/sharing /IM and other operating tools,DIP, global index and industry reports. https://www.umeng.com/page/policy Clicking Agree means you have read and agree to all of the above.。 agreement Welcome to Yola. gift User service agreement 一 Fan privilege 一 Gift name True love ranking and Speech memo Privacy policy Daily gift pack I bought a ride Purchased a beautiful number Random PK VIP seating True love ranking Please enter the number You are the current anchor whose weekly guardian \n guardian date is up My %1$s: Top-up instructions Registration means consent One-time gift ≥2000 diamonds), can obtain fan privilege yo User level Noble\nLevel Fan club Voice connection is not enabled Wall of honor Get a fan badge for giving gifts Whether to clear unread messages The application collects location data to support login and registration functions. Goddess says Say something... %s here comes Daily Wishes Weekly Wishes Month Wishes Seasonal Wishes Wish%s aristocrat sure Reset Your: Day Reset Wish: Week Reset Wish: Month Reset Wish: seasonal Is reset confirmed Resetting will empty the wish list, \nregardless of whether the wish is completed or not Confirm Reset Back to list Current wish list not saved Do you keep a current wishlist? Not saved You have a %s, do you want to use it? Use it to open a diamond %s and get %s gold beans back Not used Use wish Play setting language setting Traditional Chinese Add gifts, nobles, and guardian wishes GoddessSaid Contact information unfollow Where is the host doing badly~\nBrother, are you sure you want to unfollow? follow Heating LOW DEFAULT HIGH Select font size confirm Private chat prompt A private buoy on the side of the broadcast room Dynamic message The anchor posts a new dynamic notification Interactive notification Like, comment, and encourage gifts Chat notification User chat message System notification New activity, system message Broadcast notice PK Ladder Race Get live notification after opening Confirm whether to go to the other party\'s studio? Not received? Do you want to delete the account After clicking delete, it will take effect immediately and cannot be restored. Are you sure you want to continue? Confirm deletion This gift is exclusive to the nobility~ This gift is exclusive to guardianship~ This gift is exclusive to the fan group~ VIP Open Guard Open Fan group QA submit cancel question: answer: Do you want to end this voting early? Yes No VOTE %s
box disappears after %s seconds
Please complete the form. Fill for Gift Fill in the \'*\' option to complete True love powder\nPhoto Frame(7 days) 128 Golden Beans True love powder\nMedal (7 days) MAN GIRL Backpack, please check Leave without a gift Love you Can you guide me Send%smore must-have%s %s has been sent to your personalized dress up Mini blind box Collection blind box PD blind box Individual dressing Can be obtained randomly, %s I got %s %s Obtained, %s Completing a must have Blind box Participate in %s is extracted from %s %S sent to %s Create Vote Error Over the maximum value Insufficient balance, continue to recharge Time limit gag Red packet record Last 30 days record (as of yesterday) Current status Red packet Took effect Red packet Expired Red Packet Details Check Pay Time Mode of Pay diamond opened Residual return None Return to account Popularity Red packet Game Popular red packets amount Diamonds Conditions no Subscribing %s diamonds/piece Consume %s diamonds GO TOP UP > Range Range is [%s] value open Randomly available Build up popularity 1. What are the benefits of sending red packets in the live broadcast room? The live broadcast room with red packets will increase the popularity and attract more users to watch the live broadcast. 2. Who is the red packets sent to? After the red packet is issued, all users in the live broadcast room can grab it, including yourself. 3. How to deal with the unclaimed red envelopes? Red packets that have not been claimed after they are ready, or that have not been opened after the host has finished the live broadcast, will be refunded to your account. 4. What can I do with the red packets I got? The beans obtained by grabbing red packets can be used for consumption on the platform, but the beans cannot be transferred, and the beans cannot be withdrawn. 5. How to send red packets? The red packet is also a gift, 20% of the diamonds will be rewarded to the host, and the remaining 70% of the diamonds will be exchanged into beans at a ratio of [1 diamond = 1 bean] and stuffed into the red packet for the live broadcast room to watch and receive, and the remaining 10% will be randomly wrapped into a diamond gift Wrap it in a red packet. In addition, the platform has a red packet goal task, and every time a goal is achieved, the platform will additionally award 2% of the total value of the target red packets to open a super prize pool for all users to draw. Congratulations Get %s View Lucky Audience > Giving a gift to the host Countdown :%s To open :%s %s red packet Too bad Miss the red envelope Check out your luck %s drew %s in the lucky red envelope number >Red successfully Select System Avatar This function needs to be used to use it after lv.5, please work hard to upgrade ~ No matter where you are, I am waiting for you in the live broadcast room ~ Watch LiveNotify %s experience upgrade,%s receive rewards There\'s nothing in the package yet You have reached the highest level! Enter count Gift Hall Has been lit %s Not lit up Platform title Not yet lit The current event has not sent any gifts No more gifts yet Light up Gift Wall Entrance Personal profile card, personal homepage, live streaming room header button, and by clicking Lighting up gifts At the beginning of the \\\"ritual\\\" of love, the \\\"wall\\\" will be lit up, but it will not be lit up yet Naming gift Within each cycle, if a certain amount of diamonds are given as a single or cumulative gift Display the most gifts given to a recipient on the gift icon Gift person avatar, clicking on the avatar can also directly reach the giver\'s homepage of the named gift. When the gift in the guidebook is the same as the gift in the gift wall, give the same gift Objects, first point the gift on the gift wall, and then light up the gift in the guidebook. Honor achievement Medal of Achievement Medal of Achievement Currently, there are three achievements, namely A cloud of good friends, A rich party, Very rich, A cloud of good friends: When the number of gifts received reaches 20, 30, 50, 100When it comes to 200 models, light up the corresponding achievements separately;Rich and capriciou A rich party: When the price of a single gift received exceeds 50000 diamonds, it is sufficient Illuminate the achievement; Very rich: When receiving 100 gifts priced over 3000 diamonds, i.e This achievement can be illuminated. The current user has a total of 4 achievements, namely being rich and capricious, sharing rain and dew, and giving gifts Gift machines, lighting masters. Rich and willful: the cumulative number of gift value diamonds sent reaches 10M to light up this achievement; Equal love: The cumulative number of people who have given gifts to the anchor reaches 50 to light up this achievement; Gift machine: when the accumulated number of gifts reaches 1000, this achievement will be activated; Lighting Master: Unlock [Gift Wall] reaches 100 to light up this achievement. Rules Illustrated book Honor achievement Lit up Rule introduction Gift details Waiting It takes %sdiamonds to get the title Send out New winners Past winners Past winners get a one-month exclusive champion skin Recently lit Hained To light up Honor Wall Achievement Details Title host Title sponsor naming Please enter a custom quantity Please make gifts in the studio Been sent out At least 2 types of gifts can be set to trigger the wish list special effect gift. cancel settings Whether to use trial coupons Use diamonds Current Apply for list Anchor: Join a fans club Sorry, your network failed to pull the other party. say something No match was found Add Interactive Games Room list Game: Threshold: Owner: Random start All Game Create a room "Room Name: " ID: Please enter a room name Game type: Game threshold: Please select a game Please enter the number of golden beans No limit 0K-1K beans 1K-5K beans Above 5K beans User In a team of %s people, let\'s play together~ %s people online Search for room Search History Search for room: Please enter the owner\'s name, owner ID, or room name you want to search for. No search results have been found The anchor is currently live streaming Whether to enter the live broadcast room No,only enter the game There are currently no rooms to join Turntable Trick Switch After turning it on, all users will not be able to see the content of the carousel. Each turn of the wheel consumes diamonds Starting with at least 1000 diamonds Choose a gift Choose a prank gift Enter the prank content... Input quantity You are currently in the game, please return in a timely manner.\n Failure to return for a long time will be considered a surrender. \n During the minimization, it will not be able to switch between live rooms Exiting the live room will synchronize with exiting the game room. \ n Do you want to continue IN GAME minimize Game type Random Game Record Time: Currency: Currency End Time "Paired Users " " Currently No Records~" "Today " "≤7 days " ≤ 30 days 1.Interactive games are a new section provided by PDLIVE for users, who can participate in the game section on the homepage or in the live room; 2.Currently, [Backgammon], [Flying Chess], [Bumper I’m the Strongest], [Monster Match], [Jump], [Friendly Challenge], [Magic Battle], [American 8 Ball] More game types will be provided in the future, so stay tuned; 3. Users can customize the game threshold, which must be between 100 to 50000 gold beans , and the amount must be a multiple of 10; 4.At the beginning of the game, chips from participating users will be collected. After the game ends, 10% of the chips will be collected as tickets, and all remaining chips will be given to the winning users.In a draw, the corresponding chips will be deducted from the tickets and returned to the users; 5. The final interpretation right of the event belongs to PDLIVE. 0-100 coins 100-500 coins Above 500 coins combo X Exchange quantity: Balance %s Exchange&Usage Rules: 1.One star coin can be exchanged for one ticket. You can customize the exchange quantity according to your needs. Once the ticket is exchanged, it cannot be revoked. Please confirm in advance; 2.One ticket can be used to watch one episode of a short drama. After successful redemption, you can return to the viewing page and use the ticket to continue watching the movie; 3.Ticket prohibit illegal activities such as offline trading and acquisitions, and PDLIVE will crack down severely on various profit-making trading activities. The items inside have not been claimed yet.Are you sure to delete the message? Are you sure to delete the message? Assist users Value Current period hall: Last hall time: Payment cancellation Payment successful Payment failed Upgrade Elite/Luxury BattlePass Upgrade Elite BattlePass Upgrade Luxury BattlePass You can receive a massive amount of points and exchange more rewards More points Gifts worth over 200% Gifts worth over 300% More Rare outfits More Collectible outfits After opened,the rewards that have reached will be automatically unlocked! My level Purchase EXP value: Buy This activity has ended. Please collect the unclaimed rewards as soon as possible.Points can be reserved for future use Exchange Details exchange Quantity: Insufficient points The quantity of goods exchanged has reached the upper limit You have purchased the BattlePass Information Unmute Receive Received Delete successful - - Cancel Are you sure to return? Sure No new news yet~ There are no search results yet. Try using another word~ The current list is empty ~ There are no search results yet. Try using another word~ Age: Say Hi Reply Online Offline Personal updates Real person tradeUnion Liked Cancel blacklist Are you sure you want to delete the picture?? Upload successful upload failed Add up to 9 pictures not interested people liked it Fan group name Anchor fan group Beauty Rookie Figure Live Life Selection period Now Select topic picture Please enter text within 200 words Focus on See more close Time cannot be greater than the current time Do you confirm deletion? Cannot blackmail oneself author altogether %1$s strip reply> Uploading... Upload failed Please fill in the publication content Details 【Star Guardian】 Guardianship privileges Be the anchor‘s guardian Not opened Guardian group > Activate King Guardian Activate Star Guardian Activate God Guardian 1 month Quickly activate guardian for your favorite anchor! Guard tasks My level > No one is guarding the anchor yet, come and guard it now~ Contribution/week Contribution Opened Dragon\'s Wealth "Please enter the quantity of gold beans " "The gold beans consumed this time will increase your guardian experience points " Open activity "1. Dragon's Wealth is a benefit that you provide to the audience of the live room after activating the 【God Guardian】. You can choose to customize the number of golden beans and summon Dragon God to divide the profits among the fans of the live broadcast room (the number of golden beans is not less than 1000), or you can choose not to activate the activity; " "2. The consumption of gold beans this time will be included in the guardian contribution value and experience value growth. For every 10 gold beans provided, 1 contribution value will be obtained, which can be used to increase the guardian level; " "3. Users who follow the anchor and participate in activities will receive the benefits you provide after a five minute countdown; " 4. The final interpretation of this activity belongs to PDLIVE. Participate Renew now to extend guardian privileges\n Now renew and enjoy guardian privileges again\n Go to renew Congratulations Your guardian level has reached level 000 View levels Open up guard for your beloved anchor! Due in Expired You will spend %s diamonds for the anchor You will spend %s diamonds to renew the anchor Participate Send benefits (The original protection level will be retained, and the remaining validity period will be added to the new protection validity period according to the rules) We are currently unable to activate this guard. Please try again after the current guard expires 1.Dragon\'s Wealth is a free golden bean benefit provided to live stream viewers by users who have activated the 【God Guardian】 feature; 2.Users who follow the anchor and participate in the activity will divide the gold beans of the activity after the countdown of five minutes ends; 3.The final interpretation of this activity belongs to PDLIVE. Theater The anchor is in PK, please try again later once *10% of the threshold will be charged as ticket Contacts [In-app sharing] Include: 看直播%dmin Chat Records Use Not use Put on Honors All Lit up Not Lit Not Lit keep lighting Go light up Assistance List Title list Weekly star list Sent: One-click Title One-click Stars One-click Lighting Picked Titled Untitled Rank Title attribution Weekly star attribution Title value Star value Star Gifts Classic Gifts Waiting for lighting This competition Previous Title Hidden Awaiting titling Awaiting assistance You were interrupted from the live broadcast due to violation of regulations. Violation reasons: Penalty content: Penalty time: Personal hal Whole site hal Honors [Read] [Unread] All Chats Show Online Show Offline Show Read Show Unread 用戶權益 創作中心 其他功能 遊戲大廳 不限門檻 不限玩家 遊戲人數 在線人數