This commit is contained in:
@ -1379,11 +1379,11 @@ Limited ride And limited avatar frame</string>
<string name="sud_in_game_game_game_peer_user">"Paired Users "</string>
<string name="sud_in_game_game_game_peer_user_nodata">" Currently No Records~"</string>
<string name="sud_in_game_game_game_peer_today">"Today "</string>
<string name="sud_in_game_rule_hint1">1.Interactive games are a new section provided by PDLIVE for users, who can participate in the game section on the homepage or in the live room;</string>
<string name="sud_in_game_rule_hint1">1.Interactive games are a new section provided by PandoraLive for users, who can participate in the game section on the homepage or in the live room;</string>
<string name="sud_in_game_rule_hint2">2.Currently, [Backgammon], [Flying Chess], [Bumper I’m the Strongest], [Monster Match], [Jump], [Friendly Challenge], [Magic Battle], [American 8 Ball] More game types will be provided in the future, so stay tuned;</string>
<string name="sud_in_game_rule_hint3">3.Users can customize the game threshold, which must be between 100 to 50000 gold beans , and the amount must be a multiple of 10;</string>
<string name="sud_in_game_rule_hint4">4.At the beginning of the game, chips from participating users will be collected. After the game ends, 10% of the chips will be collected as tickets, and all remaining chips will be given to the winning users.In a draw, the corresponding chips will be deducted from the tickets and returned to the users;</string>
<string name="sud_in_game_rule_hint5">5.The final interpretation right of the event belongs to PDLIVE.</string>
<string name="sud_in_game_rule_hint5">5.The final interpretation right of the event belongs to PandoraLive.</string>
<string name="sud_in_game_game_currency_item">Currency</string>
<string name="sud_in_game_game_currency">Currency:</string>
<string name="sud_in_game_game_time">Time:</string>
@ -1398,7 +1398,7 @@ Limited ride And limited avatar frame</string>
<string name="conversion_quantity_need_of_use">Exchange&Usage Rules:</string>
<string name="conversion_quantity_need_of_use1">1.One star coin can be exchanged for one ticket. You can customize the exchange quantity according to your needs. Once the ticket is exchanged, it cannot be revoked. Please confirm in advance;</string>
<string name="conversion_quantity_need_of_use2">2.One ticket can be used to watch one episode of a short drama. After successful redemption, you can return to the viewing page and use the ticket to continue watching the movie;</string>
<string name="conversion_quantity_need_of_use3">3.Ticket prohibit illegal activities such as offline trading and acquisitions, and PDLIVE will crack down severely on various profit-making trading activities.</string>
<string name="conversion_quantity_need_of_use3">3.Ticket prohibit illegal activities such as offline trading and acquisitions, and PandoraLive will crack down severely on various profit-making trading activities.</string>
<string name="rule_of_war_hint1">1. When the BattlePass is activated, completing the BattlePass task and increasing the BattlePass level can earn a large amount of level rewards.\n</string>
<string name="rule_of_war_hint2">2. All users can unlock the regular version for free, and when the BattlePass is activated, they can upgrade to the elite version and the luxury version at any time, and receive rich additional exclusive rewards.\n</string>
@ -1413,7 +1413,7 @@ Limited ride And limited avatar frame</string>
<string name="rule_of_war_hint3">3.三種戰令都會獎勵積分,可在兌換商城中兌換心 儀的寶貝,部分寶貝兌換有戰令等級要求或兌換數 量限制。</string>
<string name="rule_of_war_hint4">4.每日任務0點刷新,未完成任務進度不再累計, 每季任務將會在新一季戰令開啟時刷新。</string>
<string name="rule_of_war_hint5">5.任務達成時需主動領取經驗,未领取經驗將會在 任務刷新時自动领取。</string>
<string name="rule_of_war_hint6">6.活動最終解釋權歸PDLIVE所有。</string>
<string name="rule_of_war_hint6">6.活動最終解釋權歸PandoraLive所有。</string>
<string name="more_integral">More points</string>
<string name="gift_overvalue">Gifts worth over 200%</string>
<string name="gift_overvalue3">Gifts worth over 300%</string>
@ -648,7 +648,7 @@
<string name="one_free">一次免費贈送禮物特權!</string>
<string name="no_car">TA還沒有座騎</string>
<string name="welcome_pdlive">歡迎來到PDLIVE</string>
<string name="welcome_pdlive">歡迎來到PandoraLive</string>
<string name="newcomer">恭喜你獲得了新人獎勵</string>
<string name="FILE_PROVIDER">com.pandora.sy.fileprovider</string>
@ -1372,11 +1372,11 @@
<string name="sud_in_game_game_game_peer_user">對局用戶</string>
<string name="sud_in_game_game_game_peer_user_nodata">暫無記錄~</string>
<string name="sud_in_game_game_game_peer_today">今日</string>
<string name="sud_in_game_rule_hint1">1、互動遊戲是PDLIVE為用戶提供的全新板塊,用戶可以在首頁【遊戲專區】或直播間內參與;</string>
<string name="sud_in_game_rule_hint1">1、互動遊戲是PandoraLive為用戶提供的全新板塊,用戶可以在首頁【遊戲專區】或直播間內參與;</string>
<string name="sud_in_game_rule_hint2">2、目前已上線【五子棋】、【飛行棋】、【碰碰我最強】、【怪物消消樂】、【跳一跳】、【友情闖關】、【魔法大樂鬥】、【美式8球】後續將會提供更多遊戲種類,敬請期期待;</string>
<string name="sud_in_game_rule_hint3">3、 用戶可自定義設定遊戲門檻,要求在100~50000金豆之間,數額必須為10的倍數;</string>
<string name="sud_in_game_rule_hint4">4、 遊戲開始時將會收取參與遊戲用戶的籌碼,在遊戲結束後,將收取10%的籌碼作為門票,剩餘籌碼將全部給予勝利用戶,平局時將會扣除相應籌碼门票後返還給用戶;</string>
<string name="sud_in_game_rule_hint5">5、活動最終解釋權歸PDLIVE所有。</string>
<string name="sud_in_game_rule_hint5">5、活動最終解釋權歸PandoraLive所有。</string>
<string name="sud_in_game_game_currency_item">貨幣</string>
<string name="sud_in_game_game_currency">貨幣:</string>
<string name="sud_in_game_game_time">時間:</string>
@ -1394,10 +1394,10 @@
<string name="rule_of_war_hint3">3.三種戰令都會獎勵積分,可在兌換商城中兌換心 儀的寶貝,部分寶貝兌換有戰令等級要求或兌換數 量限制。</string>
<string name="rule_of_war_hint4">4.每日任務0點刷新,未完成任務進度不再累計, 每季任務將會在新一季戰令開啟時刷新。</string>
<string name="rule_of_war_hint5">5.任務達成時需主動領取經驗,未领取經驗將會在 任務刷新時自动领取。</string>
<string name="rule_of_war_hint6">6.活動最終解釋權歸PDLIVE所有。</string>
<string name="rule_of_war_hint6">6.活動最終解釋權歸PandoraLive所有。</string>
<string name="conversion_quantity_need_of_use1">1.1星幣兌換1張觀影券,您可以根據需求自定義兌換數量,觀影券一經兌換不可撤銷,請提前確認;</string>
<string name="conversion_quantity_need_of_use2">2.1張觀影券可觀看一集短劇,兌換成功後即可返回觀影頁面,使用觀影券繼續觀看影片;</string>
<string name="conversion_quantity_need_of_use3">3.觀影券禁止線下交易、收購等不正當行為,PDLIVE將對各類以盈利為目的的交易行為進行嚴厲打擊。</string>
<string name="conversion_quantity_need_of_use3">3.觀影券禁止線下交易、收購等不正當行為,PandoraLive將對各類以盈利為目的的交易行為進行嚴厲打擊。</string>
<string name="pay_cancel">支付取消</string>
<string name="pay_suc">支付成功</string>
@ -1524,7 +1524,7 @@
<string name="dragon_rule1">1.龍神送財是您開通【神之守護】後給予直播間觀眾的福利,您可選擇自定義金豆數量並召喚龍神給直播间内主播粉丝瓜分(金豆數量不低於1000),或者您可以選擇不开启活动;</string>
<string name="dragon_rule2">2.此次金豆消耗将计入守护贡献值和经验值增长,每提供10金豆將獲得1貢獻值,貢獻值可用於增長守護等級;</string>
<string name="dragon_rule3">3.用戶關注主播並參與活動,將在五分鐘倒計時後將獲得您提供的福利;</string>
<string name="dragon_rule4">4.此活動的最終解釋權歸PDLIVE所有。</string>
<string name="dragon_rule4">4.此活動的最終解釋權歸PandoraLive所有。</string>
<string name="dragon_immediate_participation">立即參與</string>
<string name="continuative_guardian_privilege">延續守護特權</string>
<string name="travel_renewal">前往續費</string>
@ -1543,7 +1543,7 @@
<string name="current_guard_expires">暫時無法開通該守護,請當前守護到期後嘗試</string>
<string name="dragon_rule5">1.神龍送財是開通【神之守護】的用戶給予直播間觀眾的免費金豆福利;</string>
<string name="dragon_rule6">2.用戶關注主播並參與活動,將在倒計時五分鐘結束後瓜分活動金豆;</string>
<string name="dragon_rule7">3.此活動的最終解釋權歸PDLIVE所有。</string>
<string name="dragon_rule7">3.此活動的最終解釋權歸PandoraLive所有。</string>
<string name="main_type_theater">短劇</string>
<string name="pking_over">主播正在PK,稍後再試</string>
<string name="guard_buy_tips_1">您將花費%s鑽石,為主播開通</string>
@ -1207,11 +1207,11 @@ Limited ride And limited avatar frame</string>
<string name="sud_in_game_game_game_peer_today">"Today "</string>
<string name="sud_in_game_game_game_peer_today_7">"≤7 days "</string>
<string name="sud_in_game_game_game_peer_today_30">≤ 30 days</string>
<string name="sud_in_game_rule_hint1">1.Interactive games are a new section provided by PDLIVE for users, who can participate in the game section on the homepage or in the live room;</string>
<string name="sud_in_game_rule_hint1">1.Interactive games are a new section provided by PandoraLive for users, who can participate in the game section on the homepage or in the live room;</string>
<string name="sud_in_game_rule_hint2">2.Currently, [Backgammon], [Flying Chess], [Bumper I’m the Strongest], [Monster Match], [Jump], [Friendly Challenge], [Magic Battle], [American 8 Ball] More game types will be provided in the future, so stay tuned;</string>
<string name="sud_in_game_rule_hint3">3. Users can customize the game threshold, which must be between 100 to 50000 gold beans , and the amount must be a multiple of 10;</string>
<string name="sud_in_game_rule_hint4">4.At the beginning of the game, chips from participating users will be collected. After the game ends, 10% of the chips will be collected as tickets, and all remaining chips will be given to the winning users.In a draw, the corresponding chips will be deducted from the tickets and returned to the users;</string>
<string name="sud_in_game_rule_hint5">5. The final interpretation right of the event belongs to PDLIVE.</string>
<string name="sud_in_game_rule_hint5">5. The final interpretation right of the event belongs to PandoraLive.</string>
<string name="room_sill0_100">0-100 coins</string>
<string name="room_sill100_500">100-500 coins</string>
<string name="room_sill500_m">Above 500 coins</string>
@ -1221,7 +1221,7 @@ Limited ride And limited avatar frame</string>
<string name="conversion_quantity_need_of_use">Exchange&Usage Rules:</string>
<string name="conversion_quantity_need_of_use1">1.One star coin can be exchanged for one ticket. You can customize the exchange quantity according to your needs. Once the ticket is exchanged, it cannot be revoked. Please confirm in advance;</string>
<string name="conversion_quantity_need_of_use2">2.One ticket can be used to watch one episode of a short drama. After successful redemption, you can return to the viewing page and use the ticket to continue watching the movie;</string>
<string name="conversion_quantity_need_of_use3">3.Ticket prohibit illegal activities such as offline trading and acquisitions, and PDLIVE will crack down severely on various profit-making trading activities.</string>
<string name="conversion_quantity_need_of_use3">3.Ticket prohibit illegal activities such as offline trading and acquisitions, and PandoraLive will crack down severely on various profit-making trading activities.</string>
<string name="msg_del_sys01">The items inside have not been claimed yet.Are you sure to delete the message?</string>
<string name="msg_del_sys02">Are you sure to delete the message?</string>
@ -1340,7 +1340,7 @@ Limited ride And limited avatar frame</string>
<string name="dragon_rule1">"1. Dragon's Wealth is a benefit that you provide to the audience of the live room after activating the 【God Guardian】. You can choose to customize the number of golden beans and summon Dragon God to divide the profits among the fans of the live broadcast room (the number of golden beans is not less than 1000), or you can choose not to activate the activity; "</string>
<string name="dragon_rule2">"2. The consumption of gold beans this time will be included in the guardian contribution value and experience value growth. For every 10 gold beans provided, 1 contribution value will be obtained, which can be used to increase the guardian level; "</string>
<string name="dragon_rule3">"3. Users who follow the anchor and participate in activities will receive the benefits you provide after a five minute countdown; "</string>
<string name="dragon_rule4">4. The final interpretation of this activity belongs to PDLIVE.</string>
<string name="dragon_rule4">4. The final interpretation of this activity belongs to PandoraLive.</string>
<string name="dragon_immediate_participation">Participate</string>
<string name="continuative_guardian_privilege">Renew now to extend guardian privileges\n</string>
<string name="continuative_guardian_privilege2">Now renew and enjoy guardian privileges again\n</string>
@ -1359,7 +1359,7 @@ Limited ride And limited avatar frame</string>
<string name="current_guard_expires">We are currently unable to activate this guard. Please try again after the current guard expires</string>
<string name="dragon_rule5">1.Dragon\'s Wealth is a free golden bean benefit provided to live stream viewers by users who have activated the 【God Guardian】 feature;</string>
<string name="dragon_rule6">2.Users who follow the anchor and participate in the activity will divide the gold beans of the activity after the countdown of five minutes ends;</string>
<string name="dragon_rule7">3.The final interpretation of this activity belongs to PDLIVE.</string>
<string name="dragon_rule7">3.The final interpretation of this activity belongs to PandoraLive.</string>
<string name="main_type_theater" >Theater</string>
<string name="pking_over">The anchor is in PK, please try again later</string>
<string name="prank_complete">once</string>
Reference in New Issue
Block a user