116 lines
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116 lines
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package eu.kanade.tachiyomi.extension.pt.animaregia
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.multisrc.mmrcms.MMRCMS
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.network.interceptor.rateLimit
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.source.model.MangasPage
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.source.model.SChapter
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.source.model.SManga
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.util.asJsoup
import okhttp3.OkHttpClient
import okhttp3.Response
import org.jsoup.nodes.Element
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat
import java.util.Locale
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
class AnimaRegia : MMRCMS("AnimaRegia", "https://animaregia.net", "pt-BR") {
override val id: Long = 4378659695320121364
override val client: OkHttpClient = super.client.newBuilder()
.rateLimit(1, 2, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
// Remove the language tag from the title name.
override fun internalMangaParse(response: Response): MangasPage {
return super.internalMangaParse(response).let {
mangas = it.mangas.map { manga ->
manga.apply { title = title.removeSuffix(LANGUAGE_SUFFIX) }
override fun latestUpdatesFromElement(element: Element, urlSelector: String): SManga? {
return super.latestUpdatesFromElement(element, urlSelector)
?.apply { title = title.removeSuffix(LANGUAGE_SUFFIX) }
override fun gridLatestUpdatesFromElement(element: Element): SManga {
return super.gridLatestUpdatesFromElement(element)
.apply { title = title.removeSuffix(LANGUAGE_SUFFIX) }
// Override searchMangaParse with same body from internalMangaParse since
// it can use the other endpoint instead.
override fun searchMangaParse(response: Response): MangasPage {
return super.searchMangaParse(response).let {
mangas = it.mangas.map { manga ->
manga.apply { title = title.removeSuffix(LANGUAGE_SUFFIX) }
// The website modified the information panel.
override fun mangaDetailsParse(response: Response): SManga = SManga.create().apply {
val document = response.asJsoup()
title = document.selectFirst("h1.widget-title")!!.text()
thumbnail_url = coverGuess(
document.select("div.col-sm-5 img.img-thumbnail").firstOrNull()?.attr("abs:src"),
description = document.select("div.row div.well p")!!.text().trim()
for (element in document.select("div.col-sm-5 ul.list-group li.list-group-item")) {
when (element.text().trim().lowercase(BRAZILIAN_LOCALE).substringBefore(":")) {
"autor(es)" -> author = element.select("a")
.joinToString(", ") { it.text().trim() }
"artist(s)" -> artist = element.select("a")
.joinToString(", ") { it.text().trim() }
"categorias" -> genre = element.select("a")
.joinToString(", ") { it.text().trim() }
"status" -> status = when (element.select("span.label").text()) {
"Completo", "Concluído" -> SManga.COMPLETED
"Ativo" -> SManga.ONGOING
else -> SManga.UNKNOWN
override fun chapterListSelector(): String = "div.row ul.chapters > li"
override fun chapterListParse(response: Response): List<SChapter> {
return response.asJsoup()
.map { el ->
SChapter.create().apply {
name = el.select("h5.chapter-title-rtl").text()
scanlator = el.select("div.col-md-3 ul li")
.joinToString(" & ") { it.text().trim() }
date_upload = el.select("div.col-md-4").firstOrNull()
?.text()?.removeSuffix("Download")?.toDate() ?: 0L
setUrlWithoutDomain(el.select("h5.chapter-title-rtl a").first()!!.attr("href"))
private fun String.toDate(): Long {
return runCatching { DATE_FORMAT.parse(trim())?.time }
.getOrNull() ?: 0L
companion object {
private const val LANGUAGE_SUFFIX = " (pt-br)"
private val BRAZILIAN_LOCALE = Locale("pt", "BR")
private val DATE_FORMAT by lazy {
SimpleDateFormat("dd MMM. yyyy", Locale.ENGLISH)