* jQuery.AudioPlayer.js
* @Author Keystion
* @Version 1.0.1
* Created by Keystion on 2016-12-19. Update on 2017-01-06
* https://github.com/Keystion/jQuery.AudioPlayer.js
"use strict";
var AudioPlayer = {
options: {
// open console log / 打开控制台日志
debuggers: false
// The outer Dom ClassName/id, default 'body'
// 外部Dom ClassName / id,默认的“body”
,container: 'body'
// audio source / 音频源
,source: ''
// image resources / 图像资源
,imagePath: './image'
// Determines whether or not the player is playing before dragging/判断拖拽之前是否正在播放
,seekNum: 0
// Whether to support drag and drop, the default open: `true` / 是否支持拖拽,默认开启:`true`
,allowSeek: true
// After can play TODO / 可以播放之后,做某些事情
,canplayCallback: null
// After playback TODO / 播放之后,做某些事情
,playCallback: null
// After the suspension TODO / 暂停之后,做某些事情
,pauseCallback: null
// After the drag TODO / 拖动之后,做某些事情
,timeupdateCallback: null
// After the drag, the callback function (`allowSeek: false`) / 拖动之后,回调函数(`allowSeek: false`)
,seekedCallback: null
// End of the play TODO / 播放结束之后,做某些事情
,endedCallback: null
// After the mute TODO / 静音之后,做某些事情
,mutedCallback: null
// template dom / 模板节点
,template: $('
' +
'' +
' +
' +
' +
'' +
'' +
'' +
' +
'' +
' +
' +
' +
' +
' +
' +
'' +
'' +
' +
'' +
' +
' +
' +
// elements
,elements: {}
// initialize
,init: function(options) {
var _this = this;
if (!options || !options.container) {
return false;
this.options = $.extend(this.options, options);
// audio DOM
_this.elements.audioDom = _this.options.template.find('audio')[0];
_this.elements.componentWrapper = _this.options.template.find('#componentWrapper');
// Play button / 播放按钮
_this.elements.playButton = _this.options.template.find('.controls_toggle');
// The current time / 当前时间
_this.elements.currentTime = _this.options.template.find('.player_mediaTime_current');
// The total length / 总时长
_this.elements.totalTime = _this.options.template.find('.player_mediaTime_total');
// Loading progress bar / 加载进度条
_this.elements.loadProgress = _this.options.template.find('.load_progress');
// Playback progress bar / 播放进度条
_this.elements.playProgress = _this.options.template.find('.play_progress');
// Playback progress bar wrap / 播放进度条wrap
_this.elements.playProgressWrap = _this.options.template.find('.player_progress');
// The total length of playback progress bar / 播放进度条总长
_this.elements.totalPlayProgress = _this.options.template.find('.progress_bg');
// Mute button / 静音按钮
_this.elements.mutedButton = _this.options.template.find('.player_volume');
// The volume size wrap / 音量大小wrap
_this.elements.volumeWrap = _this.options.template.find('.volume_seekbar');
// The volume chief / 音量总长
_this.elements.totalVolume = _this.options.template.find('.volume_bg');
// The current volume / 当前音量
_this.elements.currentVolume = _this.options.template.find('.volume_level');
// The tooltips of the volume / 音量提示条
_this.elements.tipsVolume = _this.options.template.find('.player_volume_tooltip');
_this.elements.playButton.find('img').attr('src', _this.options.imagePath + '/play.png');
_this.elements.mutedButton.find('img').attr('src', _this.options.imagePath + '/volume.png');
_this.updateSource({source: options.source, callback: function(){ _this.log('The audio source has been updated') }});
_this.elements.currentVolume.width((60 / 100 * _this.elements.audioDom.volume * 100) + 'px');
// Initialize the event / 初始化事件
// Update the audio source foo. / 更新音频源
,updateSource: function(o){
var _this = this;
// reset
// Update the audio source / 更新音频源
_this.elements.audioDom.setAttribute('src', o.source);
// callback
if(typeof o.callback == 'function'){
// dom events
,events: function() {
var _this = this;
// Monitor window changes to do some of the UI update / 监听窗口的变化做一些UI的更新
$(window).resize(function(event) {
// Update the width of the download progress bar / 更新下载进度条的宽度
// Update the playback progress bar width / 更新播放进度条的宽度
_this.elements.playProgress.width((_this.elements.audioDom.currentTime / _this.elements.audioDom.duration) * $('.progress_bg').width());
// Adjust the size of sound / 调节声音大小
_this.elements.volumeWrap.on("mouseenter", function(event) {
}).on("mouseleave", function(event) {
_this.elements.tipsVolume.css('display', 'none');
}).on('mousemove', function(event) {
if ((event.pageX - _this.elements.totalVolume.offset().left) > 0 && (event.pageX - _this.elements.totalVolume.offset().left) < (_this.elements.totalVolume.width() + 1)) {
'display': 'block',
"left": parseInt(event.pageX - _this.elements.totalVolume.offset().left + _this.elements.totalVolume.width() / 2 - 40, 10) + "px"
_this.elements.tipsVolume.find("p").html(_this.sumVolume(event) + " %");
_this.elements.currentVolume.width(event.pageX - _this.elements.totalVolume.offset().left + "px");
}).on('mouseup', function(event) {
_this.elements.currentVolume.width(event.pageX - _this.elements.totalVolume.offset().left + "px");
event: event
_this.elements.mutedButton.on('click', function(event) {
/* Act on the event */
// Playback progress bar drag and drop events / 播放进度条拖拽事件
// To determine whether to allow drag and drop / 判断是否允许拖拽
_this.elements.playProgressWrap.on('mousedown', function(event) {
if (_this.elements.audioDom.paused) {
_this.options.seekNum = 1;
} else {
_this.options.seekNum = 2;
// The mouse click will update the progress bar / 鼠标按下就更新进度条
}).on('mousemove', function(event) {
// Determine whether have begun to move will set the progress bar / 判断是否已经开始移动 才会设置进度条
_this.options.seekNum != 0 && _this.setPlayProgressWidth(event);
}).on('mouseup', function(event) {
// Is it necessary to when the mouse button to lift again to update the playback progress bar width
// 是否有必要在鼠标按键抬起的时候再次去更新播放进度条宽度
// _this.setPlayProgressWidth(event);
if (_this.options.seekNum == 1) {
} else {
_this.options.seekNum = 0;
if(typeof _this.options.seekedCallback == 'function'){
_this.options.seekedCallback({'status': _this.elements.audioDom.seeked});
_this.elements.playProgressWrap.on('mousedown', function(event) {
if(typeof _this.options.seekedCallback == 'function'){
return false;
// Click event broadcast suspended / 播放暂停点击事件
_this.elements.playButton.on('click', function(event) {
playCallback: function(){ _this.log('toggleplay:play') },
pauseCallback: function(){ _this.log('toggleplay:pause') }
// When audio load has abandoned / 当音频的加载已放弃时
_this.elements.audioDom.onabort = function() {
// When the browser can play audio / 当浏览器可以播放音频时
_this.elements.audioDom.oncanplay = function() {
// Determine the audio to load / 判断音频加载完毕
if (_this.elements.audioDom.readyState == 4) {
var duration = Math.round(_this.elements.audioDom.duration);
var minutes = Math.floor(duration / 60);
minutes = 10 <= minutes ? minutes : "0" + minutes;
duration = Math.floor(duration % 60);
_this.elements.totalTime.html(minutes + ":" + (10 <= duration ? duration : "0" + duration));
if(typeof _this.options.canplayCallback == 'function'){
_this.options.canplayCallback({'status': true});
// When the browser is downloading audio / 当浏览器正在下载音频时
_this.elements.audioDom.onprogress = function() {
if (_this.elements.audioDom.readyState == 4) {
_this.elements.loadProgress.width((_this.elements.audioDom.buffered.end(0) / _this.elements.audioDom.seekable.end(0)) * _this.elements.totalPlayProgress.width());
// When the browser begins searching for the audio / 当浏览器开始查找音频时
_this.elements.audioDom.onloadstart = function() {
// When the audio has begun or is no longer suspended / 当音频已开始或不再暂停时
_this.elements.audioDom.onplay = function() {
_this.elements.playButton.find('img').attr('src', _this.options.imagePath + '/pause.png');
// When the audio has been suspended / 当音频已暂停时
_this.elements.audioDom.onpause = function() {
_this.elements.playButton.find('img').attr('src', _this.options.imagePath + '/play.png');
// When the current playlist has ended / 当目前的播放列表已结束时
_this.elements.audioDom.onended = function() {
if(typeof _this.options.endedCallback == 'function'){
_this.options.endedCallback({'status': _this.elements.audioDom.ended});
// When the user starts moving/jump to the new location in the audio
// 当用户开始移动/跳跃到音频中的新位置时
_this.elements.audioDom.onseeking = function() {
// When the user has mobile/jump to the new location in the audio
// 当用户已移动/跳跃到音频中的新位置时
_this.elements.audioDom.onseeked = function() {
// When the current playback position has changed
// 当目前的播放位置已更改时
_this.elements.audioDom.ontimeupdate = function() {
// When the volume is changed
// 当音量已更改时
_this.elements.audioDom.onvolumechange = function() {
// Toggle play/pause 切换播放/暂停
,toggleplay: function(o) {
var _this = this;
if (_this.elements.audioDom.paused) {
} else {
// Set the playback / 设置播放
,play: function(o) {
var _this = this;
if (typeof o == 'function') {
o({'status': _this.elements.audioDom.play});
if(typeof _this.options.playCallback == 'function'){
_this.options.playCallback({'status': _this.elements.audioDom.play});
// Set the suspend / 设置暂停
,pause: function(o) {
var _this = this;
if (typeof o == 'function') {
o({'status': _this.elements.audioDom.play});
if(typeof _this.options.pauseCallback == 'function'){
_this.options.pauseCallback({'status': _this.elements.audioDom.play});
// muted / 设置静音否
,muted: function(o) {
var _this = this;
if (_this.elements.audioDom.muted) {
_this.elements.audioDom.muted = false;
_this.elements.mutedButton.find('img').attr('src', _this.options.imagePath + '/volume.png');
} else {
_this.elements.audioDom.muted = true;
_this.elements.mutedButton.find('img').attr('src', _this.options.imagePath + '/mute.png');
if(typeof _this.options.mutedCallback == 'function'){
_this.options.mutedCallback({'status': _this.elements.audioDom.muted});
// Set the sound size / 设置声音大小
,setvolume: function(options) {
var _this = this;
if (!options) {
_this.elements.currentVolume.width((_this.elements.totalVolume.width() / 100 * _this.elements.audioDom.volume * 100) + 'px');
} else {
if (options.event) {
return _this.elements.audioDom.volume = _this.sumVolume(options.event) / 100;
} else {
// TODO _this.log
// Need to optimize / 需要优化
_this.options.debuggers && console.error('缺少参数:options.event');
return false;
// Set the playback progress bar / 设置播放进度条
,setPlayProgressWidth: function(argument) {
var _this = this;
if (!argument) {
return false;
// if ((argument.clientX - _this.elements.playProgressWrap.offset().left) > _this.elements.loadProgress.width()) {
// _this.elements.playProgress.width(argument.clientX - _this.elements.playProgressWrap.offset().left);
// } else {
_this.elements.playProgress.width(argument.clientX - _this.elements.playProgressWrap.offset().left);
_this.elements.audioDom.currentTime = (argument.clientX - _this.elements.playProgressWrap.offset().left) / _this.elements.totalPlayProgress.width() * _this.elements.audioDom.duration;
// }
// Set the width of the download progress bar / 设置下载进度条的宽度
,setLoadProgressWidth: function(){
var _this = this;
// The audio of the ready state / 音频的就绪状态
// More docs: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLMediaElement/readyState
// TODO Add other state
if (_this.elements.audioDom.readyState == 4) {
_this.elements.loadProgress.width((_this.elements.audioDom.buffered.end(0) / _this.elements.audioDom.seekable.end(0)) * _this.elements.totalPlayProgress.width());
// Playing time change foo. / 播放时间更改
,timeupdate: function() {
var _this = this;
var currTime = Math.floor(_this.elements.audioDom.currentTime).toString();
var duration = Math.floor(_this.elements.audioDom.duration).toString();
if (isNaN(duration)) {
} else {
_this.elements.playProgress.width((_this.elements.audioDom.currentTime / _this.elements.audioDom.duration) * $('.progress_bg').width());
// Formatting a timestamp / 格式化时间戳相关
,formatTime: function(secs, format) {
var hr = Math.floor(secs / 3600);
var min = Math.floor((secs - (hr * 3600)) / 60);
var sec = Math.floor(secs - (hr * 3600) - (min * 60));
if (min < 10) {
min = "0" + min;
if (sec < 10) {
sec = "0" + sec;
return min + ':' + sec;
// To calculate the volume / 计算音量
,sumVolume: function(event) {
var _this = this;
if (!event) {
return false;
var num = event.pageX - _this.elements.totalVolume.offset().left;
num = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, num / _this.elements.totalVolume.width()));
num = parseInt(100 * num, 10);
return num;
// reset / 重置函数
,reset: function(){
var _this = this;
// The play button to return to the initial state / 播放按钮回到初始状态
_this.elements.playButton.find('img').attr('src', _this.options.imagePath + '/play.png');
// The current playback time back to the initial state / 当前播放时间回到初始状态
// Total time to return to the initialization state / 总时间回到初始化状态
// The volume back to initialize the state / 音量回到初始化状态
// Playback progress bar to initialize state / 播放进度条回到初始化状态
// Audio download progress bar back to the initial state / 音频下载进度条回到初始状态
// Custom log / 定制log
,log: function(log){
var _this = this;
return console.info(log);
jQuery.AudioPlayer = AudioPlayer;